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Guide Dogs, Performance and Sleep: The “Morning” Advantage

July 19, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting.” Mark Twain Enzo, our latest guide dog puppy who is now doing his “undergraduate” work to become a working service dog for the blind has always been an early riser. As a result we tend to be getting less sleep than we would really like. Yes, raising a […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: Resiliency Stage Inventory

July 15, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Help clients become aware of how they cope with work and life adversities. How […]

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Leadership Development Shams: Can We Really Develop Leaders?

July 13, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” Mark Twain A fairly recent State of the Industry Report by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) estimates that companies in the US spend nearly $130 billion on employee learning and development. That figure includes direct costs such as salaries for learning professionals, […]

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Relate

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Free Coaching Exercise: Johari Window

July 8, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Help clients become aware of what how they see themselves vs. how others see […]

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Women ARE Better Leaders Than Men (Sometimes)

July 5, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“Some leaders are born women.” Geraldine Ferraro A recent study of 25,000 Harvard Business School graduates found some interesting comparisons between men and women leaders who work full-time ((Ely, R., Stone, P. & Ammerman, C. (2014). Rethinking what you “know” about high-achieving women. Harvard Business Review, December 2014)). Women were significantly less likely than men to […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: Wheel of Life

July 1, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Help clients reflect on the areas of their lives they would like to devote […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: You’re At Your Best

June 26, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: This exercise is one of several in published research that increase subjective well-being and […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: My Strengths, Challenges and Allergies

June 24, 2015 by Ken Nowack

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Help clients understand themselves more by identifying their strengths, challenges and allergies. How to […]

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Sleep: The Key to Both High Productivity and Health

June 21, 2015 by Ken Nowack

When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, “Did you sleep good?” I said “No, I made a few mistakes.” Steven Wright Over the years, I’ve written about the topic of sleep because of its important role related to both health and productivity.  Some important and still relevant research findings related to both are worth noting. […]

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Don’t We All See the Same Thing in Others in 360-Degree Feedback?

June 15, 2015 by Ken Nowack

“There’s nothing wrong with being shallow as long as you’re insightful about it..” Dennis Miller Have you ever asked for feedback and wondered whether their perception about you was accurate?  Ever ask more than one person for feedback and wonder why there were differences in how you were perceived? Ideally, if we could all find […]

Posted in 360 Degree Feedback, Leadership Development


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