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Free Coaching Exercise: “Ranking My Values”

March 21, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Clients are asked to select and rate their top ten values. How to Administer […]

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How to Balance Between Quality AND Quantity in 360-Degree Feedback Before Respondent Fatigue Sets In

March 16, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

“Some authors should be paid by the quantity that is not written.” -Anonymous In general, 360-degree feedback questionnaires should be targeted and contain relevant questions. They should be long enough to accurately measure the competencies they are attempting to assess (reliability), but not too long as to decrease motivation to complete them. It’s important to […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: “Being Mindful Through Self-Reflection”

March 14, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

  This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Offers a schedule for self-reflection practice (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.) How to […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: “My Success Scorecard”

March 7, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: This exercise provides clients a way to look at personal and life success from […]

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Are the Sum of the Rater’s Parts in 360-Degree Feedback Greater than the Whole (or NOT)?

March 6, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” -Aristotle Attempting to interpret 360-degree feedback results is difficult enough, and to have to interpret scores of all different raters is even harder. As we discussed in one of our previous blogs on interpreting different rater scores, participants of the 360-degree feedback are challenged about […]

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How Independent Are 360-Degree Feedback Competencies?

March 2, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

“All meanings, we know, depend on the key of interpretation.” -George Eliot Most 360-degree feedback studies have consistently shown high inter-correlations among competencies including our own ((Nowack, K. (1992). Self-assessment and rater-assessment as a dimension of management development. Human Resources Development Quarterly 3, 141-155)). As such, academic researchers have no problem combining all the competencies […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: “My Work and Life Balance”

February 29, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Guide to facilitating an effective work-life balance plan. How to Administer and Use this Exercise […]

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CAUTION: When You Should NEVER Use 360-Degree Feedback

February 24, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

“Inappropriate development would be a tragedy.” – John Opie 360-Degree Feedback can be very counterproductive if its not implemented appropriately. I have come across organizations that are hesitant to utilize a 360-degree feedback program because they have experienced its negative consequences in the past. I don’t blame them! There are certain organizational circumstances that are […]

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Free Coaching Exercise: “Asking Others to Change by Using GIVE-GET-MERGE-GO Technique”

February 22, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

This free exercise, and dozens of others, were created for our book, Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It. You can learn more about Clueless by visiting our site or you can buy it from today. Purpose of Exercise: Step-by-step guide to using this communication technique to influence others How to Administer and Use […]

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4 Risks of Linking 360-Degree Feedback to Performance Appraisal and/or Compensation

February 17, 2016 by Sandra Mashihi

“According to the law of nature it is only fair that no one should become richer through damages and injuries suffered by another.” -Marcus Tullius Cicero The sensitive nature 360-degree feedback programs make them inherently fraught with risk, even when done well. To link the results of the 360 to compensation take these risks to […]

Posted in 360 Degree Feedback


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