Leadership Lessons from Ajax the Seeing Eye Dog #3: The Importance of Basic Skills

June 21, 2009 by Ken Nowack

“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”
Mark Twain


Ajax is now 13-weeks old and learning his basic skills of leadership for guide dog puppies.  Here is what is doing pretty well in terms of “basic skills”:

  • Sitting
  • Laying down
  • Walking on a leash (with his guide dog bib)
  • Sleeping
  • Eating Fast

Here is what he isn’t doing really well:

  • Coming when called by name
  • Ignoring other dogs when he is working (walking with his guide dog bib)
  • Not jumping up on things

In order for him to become an effective guide dog, these basic skills are essential and foundations for learning more complicated lessons and behaviors required to help a sight impaired person maneuver in their life. All successful guide dogs learn these basics or early lessons and become so proficient that they become automatic to the point of almost knowing when they need to deploy them.  Of course, like humans young puppies need to practice these behaviors in different environments and with different handlers to become “strengths” and allow them to learn new and more challenging behaviors.  Lack of these “basic skills” will tend to “derail” their leadership potential and future success to become a guide dog.

I see so many “leaders” today who seem to have never learned the basic skills of supervision, management and leadership practices.  Some have been moved from highly successful “specialist” roles where they relied on technical skills and competencies to roles where building teams, developing talent and managing day-today performance just aren’t done very well.  Great leaders also spend a great deal of their life practicing their craft.  In fact, one career anchor labeled by the management guru Ed Schein is actually called a “managerial anchor” which characterizes a cluster of interests, values, motives and skills that help enhance leadership performance, success and optimize satisfaction in that role.

Next week, we go to a big “open house” at Guide Dogs of America where puppies of all ages can “show off their stuff” and we can benchmark Ajax against the best of the best.  At least we will see how far behind or how far ahead he is relative to his own age group.  Again, Ajax has helped me to better understand what leaders really need to know–the “basics” that are just so essential for long term success no matter what culture they are in or whom they supervise.

We have a pretty well known leadership and management assessment called Manager View 360–it measures 20 competencies of leadership and management derived from job analyses of leaders in very diverse industries.  These 20 competencies are grouped into four clusters: 1) Task Management/Leadership; 2) Interpersonal; 3) Communication; and 4) Problem Solving.

We did a quick statistical analysis of over 17,000 managers in our database representing diverse industries to see which competencies were rated as the most effective and which were rated as the least effective from their managers, direct reports and peers.  Here is a list of the “bottom” five competencies which suggests where deficits of basic skills for manager tend to appear:

Manager View 360
Bottom Five Leadership Management Behaviors (N=17,025)

  1. Conflict Management (5.22)
  2. Active Listening (5.28)
  3. Performance Management (5.32)
  4. Leadership/Influence (5.33)
  5. Involvement Orientation/Participative Management (5.34)

Interestingly, the competencies rated highest included written and oral communication, decision making, interpersonal sensitivity and planning.  These results suggest a “blueprint” for onboarding new supervisors and leaders particularly if they lack experience in the leadership role (e.g., promoted from a specialist or independent contributor position).

Today, talent don’t leave organizations as much as they leave bad bosses.  In my executive coaching practice I tend to find this same list of skill deficits that seem to present themselves when leaders are identified as “having potential” but struggling.  I’ve always wondered why organizations weren’t better prepared to help develop these core and basic competencies early in a leader’s career.  Some, like participative management, might actually run counter to what specialists who morphed into leadership got rewarded for early in their career (e.g., making decisions on their own, taking iniative without gaining consensus from others, using the “two heads are better than one” approach in problem solving).

Talent today also want leaders who can constructively confront poor performance, can manage diversity and differences in the workplace and to address the slackers who demotivate all of us and set a dangerous standard for the bare minimum of what needs to be done in a culture.

The most successful guide dogs tend to have just a streak of stubborness and self-confidence to be able to successfully adjust to what comes up in their environment (e.g., loud noises, traffic, street barriers, etc.).  They need to be decisive and take charge when necessary but do so in a participatory way to ensure that the person they are “guiding” reaches their destination in a safe manner.

Thanks, Ajax, for reminding me that the building blocks of leadership excellence are pretty easy to understand and develop in young and more established leaders…..I’m off with Ajax now to work on his “come” command when he strays!  Stayed tuned for more leadership lessons with Ajax….Be well….

[tags]guide dogs, seeing eye dogs, Guide Dogs of America, leadership, executive coaching, performance, layoff, social support, mastery, expertise, kenneth nowack, ken nowack, nowack, envisia, deliberate practice[/tags]

Kenneth Nowack, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist (PSY13758) and President & Chief Research Officer/Co-Founder of Envisia Learning, is a member of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Ken also serves as the Associate Editor of Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. His recent book Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It is available for free for a limited time by signing up for free blog updates (Learn more at our website)

Posted in Engagement, Leadership Development, Selection

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  1. Hi Ken,
    I loved your story. A wonderful example.
    Keep up the wonderful writing I look forward to reading you and Bill. Feels right and it is often inspriational.

  2. Just read your latest post re: Ajax and basic leadership skills. I found it fascinating, and related it to my experience in education where competent teachers were promoted to administrative positions without training in management skills. I would say I saw the bottom 5 management skills in play in those situations. One of my educational colleagues did his dissertation on the training in budget management for administrators and found only 10 percent had any training in that yet superintendents often managed multi-million dollar budgets and principals up to millions of dollars. In addition, I work with ministers and rabbis who find they are more involved in administrative tasks than in spiritual development tasks, and they, too, experience probs with the bottom 5 skills. So Ajax is right on.

  3. Ken Nowack says:

    Jeanne…Thanks for your comments and ongoing support…I know you have quite a bit of insights about effective leadership!

  4. Ken Nowack says:

    Carolyn–thanks for validating what many of us in practice have seen and what an analysis of our Manager View 360 assessment seemed to show. Being good at your “craft” doesn’t gurantee you will have developed these basic leaderhship skills

  5. Thanks for the nice metaphore.

    One of the most important aspects of learning the basic you mention, as with any skill, is practice. Ajax needs to practice his basic skills over and over, in different environments, with different people before they become a habitual part of his behavior. The same is so with us humans. Unfortunately, many companies rely too heavily on the one-day training session. But without follow-on practice and reinforcement the training investment is pretty much wasted. As I’m sure you are aware, consistent practice combined with some form of coaching has been clearly demonstrated to increase the likelihood that an individual will integrate new skills, whether basic or more advanced, and shorten the time it takes to do so.

  6. Ken Nowack says:

    Thanks for your great point about the combination of coaching + practice. If you haven’t seen an earlier Blog of mine how just how much practice is needed for any us to become proficient in learning and applying new skills, here is the link:

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